File It Africa is a remote file storage system that you can use with an Internet connection.
Through the service´s client, you can storage data safely into the company´s servers, from any place in the world where you can connect your PC to the Internet.
This service will allow you to test the service for free, during thirty days. You can upload up to 3 Gb. during your testing time.
It is possible to use this program in eleven different languages. The client saves the content of your My Documents folder, by default, but you can choose which files you want to backup. By default, the program will exclude automatically those files bigger than 200 Mb., but you can include them if you want to do this.
The program lets you search files in your online folders, access File It Africa website, select a file to share with other users, or invite friends to use the service (the company will give you 500 Mb. extra for each one). Through the Advanced Configuration you can set a Hotkey to call the program, set the connection timeout, the proxy servers, and the backup settings.